Welcome To The Dystonia Support & Advocacy
Group of San Diego County


Welcome to the Dystonia Support Group of San Diego County. This site will tell you more about our group, upcoming meetings, and current events. 

We are affiliated with ....

Our group is affiliated with the DMRF and Dysphonia International. Check out their websites for more information.

Connect with Us!

Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/dystoniaofsandiego

Our Next Meeting:

Date: Saturday, NOVEMBER 2, 2024

Time: 1:00-3:00 PM (pacific time)

Topic:“Empowering yourself through knowledge: New Strategies in Treatment and Navigating Healthcare.”

Presenter: HAN S. LEE, M.D., Movement Disorder Specialist from Kaiser-Permanente, Comprehensive Movement Disorder Program GSAA - San Leandro/Fremont.

These meetings provide an excellent opportunity to learn from each other and offer and receive support in a comfortable and safe setting. Participation in any discussion is always completely voluntary. Some individuals like to listen and that is perfectly fine. You can also choose to not show your image or your name. Remember that our meetings are open to persons with ALL forms of dystonia and are not specific to any one form of dystonia! Please email Martha to RSVP and for the Zoom log-in information. We hope that you can join us!